星期四, 1月 24, 1980

S A L M A C I S / / O E N O N E / i ˈnoʊ ni /

S a l m a c i s (Greek: Σαλμακίς) was an atypical naiad who rejected the ways of the virginal Greek goddess Artemis in favour of vanity and idleness. Her attempted rape of Hermaphroditus places her as the only nymph rapist in the Greek mythological canon (though see also Dercetis).

O e n o n e (Greek: Oinōnē Οἰνώνη, wine woman) was the first wife of Paris of Troy, whom he abandoned for the queen Helen of Sparta. She was a mountain nymph on Mount Ida in Phrygia, a mountain associated with the Mother Goddess Cybele, alternatively Rhea. Her father was Cebren, a river-god. Her very name links her to the gift of wine.

P h a e d r a  (Greek: Φαίδρα, Phaidra, bright) was  the daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë, wife of Theseus, sister of Ariadne, and the mother of Demophon of Athens and Acamas. Married to Theseus, Phaedra fell in love with Hippolytus, Theseus's son born by either Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, or Antiope, her sister. (eu-, good)
