星期日, 11月 28, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪ ■ Gesneriads:Codonanthe 玉唇花屬;Asteranthera; Phinaea; Niphaea; Besleria;Corytoplectus;Negria ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ _ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

. ʃome Codonanthe species form a constituent element of the flora of ant's nests. The plants are associated with the ants in various ways. They often have extrafloral nectaries on the leaf undersides, between the calyx lobes, or at the nodes. The colored seeds exhibit a gelatinous surface or the funicles may play a role in ant dispersal.
Codonanthe carnosa

Codonanthe (Mart.) Hanst. 1854, derived from Greek kōdōn, bell, and anthē, flower, referring to the (sub)campanulate corolla form.

The type species of Codonanthe: Codonanthe gracilis (Mart.) Hanst.

Phinaea albolineata (type)

Phinaea Benth. 1876, the name is an anagram of Niphaea.

The type species of Phinaea: Phinaea albolineata (Hook.f.) Benth. ex Hemsl.

Niphaea oblonga (type)

Niphaea Lindl. 1841, from Greek niphos, snow; in allusion to the plain white flowers.

The type species of Niphaea: Niphaea oblonga Lindl.

Asteranthera ovata (type)
Asteranthera Klotzsch & Hanst. ex Hanst. 1854, from Greek astēr, star, and anthēra, anther; alluding to the apically coherent anthers forming a star-like figure.
The type and only species of Asteranthera: Asteranthera ovata Hanst.

Besleria leucostoma

Besleria Plum. ex L. 1753, named after Basilius Besler (1561-1629), a German botanist, pharmacist, horticulturist and publisher, well known for his book „Hortus Eystettensis“, which is one of the greatest jewels of botanical literature.
The type species of Besleria: Besleria lutea L.

Corytoplectus congestus, Corytoplectus capitatus (type)
Corytoplectus Oerst. 1858, derived from kōrys, helmet, or (less probably) kōrytos (Latin corytus), leather pouch, quiver, and plectos, pleated, folded; meaning that the calyx lobes look like helmets or pouches.
The type species: Corytoplectus capitatus (Hook.f.) Wiehler

Negria rhabdothamnoides (type)

Negria F.Muell. 1871, named in honor of Cristoforo Negri (1808-1896), a renowned Italian geographer, diplomat, and writer.

The type and only species of Negria: Negria rhabdothamnoides F.Muell.
