星期三, 5月 02, 1984

☆( 巨蟹 ) 依戀白玫瑰, 信念純潔百合 _ Cancer Loves White Roses, Believing Lilies Pure ~ for Pierre Joseph Redouté 1759- 1840. 法國時局動盪中,蘊育的繪花家

Pierre Joseph Redouté (10 Jul. 1759- 20 Jun. 1840), peintre de fleurs.

Madonna Lily. Lilium candidum L. 1753

Hosta. Hosta japonica syn. Hosta lancifolia syn. Hemerocallis japonica
Hosta ventricosa syn. Hosta japonica var. caerulea syn. Hemerocallis caerulea

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Lilium candidum 種小名candidum 是「純白色」的意思,形容本種花瓣的顏色是純白色。

The Metsudot says that the word "lily" is synonymous with six, because it always has six petals. Six petals of the flower form a shape that resembles the Star of David, and this is a source of importance of the Star of David in Judaism.