星期四, 11月 19, 2009

♫ 天 使 三 態 ─ In tɦe Anɠelɦood ˑ ( in tɦree parts) ☁ Na Ying ˑ I am not an Anɠel ‧ 那 英 ˑ 我 不 是 天 使 ‧ Love in Popsonɠs, 2ooI

I am not an Angel, Na Ying (27 Dec. 1967- ) 's 6th & her first release in Warner Bros Records, 2ooI .

不 是 天 使 I am no Angel
Lyrics: 那 英_Na Ying Music: 伍 佰 Direct by 鄺 盛

最後一次站在你的身旁 藏起天使的翅膀
Standing beside you for the last time, I hide the wings of angel
我不是你的天使 我不懂你的天堂
I'm not your angel, I don't understand your heaven
當月光變成你的目光 我不看你過往

when the moonlight became your eyesight, I don't look back your past.

part .II
笑 而 過 Passing by Carrying a Smile Carelessly
Lyrics: 那 英_Na Ying Music: 劉國明, 劉志文 Direct by 黃中平

part .III

The Boat
Lyrics, Music: 陳曉娟 Direct by 黃中平

往我這岸漂來 身上滿載的是風采
He flows towards my shore, full with impressive and likable bearing
不見他手中的舵 只見他的驕傲和自在 自在的就像是為我而來
don't see the rudder in his hands, only his pride and free, free as he was here for me
他往這一邊開來 幸福從他手中張開
He sails towards this shore, in his hands happiness widely opened
不見他手中的舵 就像他的來 只為我而來
don't see the rudder in his hands, like his coming only for me.

我跳上他的船 開始了沒有忽高忽低卻溫暖的精采
I jump into his boat, with a splendid beginning without high and low but warm
那原來都是他把春天 藏在從未打開的口袋
Actually it's the spring he hid in his never-opened pocket
我愛上他的愛 原以為失去擁抱的心終究不能慷慨
I fell into his love, in the beginning I thought my ever-embraced-lost heart couldn't be generous
那原來只是冬天的冰冷 借住在 我心裡的殘骸
Actually it was the cold of winter stayed in the remnants of my heart temporarily.

©2009 Jero Smith. 朱
