星期日, 11月 11, 1990

piæies ● 紅 豆 杉 Taxus 紅豆杉科, 樅 Abies 松科, 荷 包 牡 丹 ( 淌 血 的 心 ) 煙 堇 科 Lamprocapnos spectabilis (L.) T.Fukuhara 1997

  D o u g l a s F i r 道 格 拉 斯 松 , Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco 1950: The common name honors David Douglas  (25 Jun 1799– 12 Jul 1834), an intrepid Scottish botanist and collector who first reported the extraordinary nature and potential of the species. The common name is misleading since it is not a true fir, i.e., not a member of the genus Abies. For this reason the name is often written as Douglas-fir. Colloquially, the species is also known simply as Doug-fir or as Douglas pine (although the latter common name may also refer to Pinus douglasiana).

The specific epithet, menziesii, is after Archibald Menzies, a Scottish physician and rival naturalist to David Douglas. Menzies first documented the tree on Vancouver Island in 1791.

 Pseudotsuga menziesii syn. Abies menziesii Mirb. 1825

 T s u g a 鐵 杉  (from Japanese: 栂, the name of Tsuga sieboldii) is a genus of conifers in the pine family Pinaceae. The common name hemlock is derived from a perceived similarity in the smell of its crushed foliage to that of the unrelated plant poison hemlock (Conium maculatum).
A - I , J - .
